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tags:英语  家庭  明天

你的家人明天要做什么?英文50字And we will do some family talk, thats what I have expected for 1 month! Come faster please! 我给你写了一篇呵呵,说




And we will do some family talk, that's what I have expected for 1 month! Come faster please! 我给你写了一篇呵呵,说你家明天去野餐.


I love my family I ove my family.there are three people in my family--my father,my mother and I.my father is a judge and my mother is a d。



my famiry是什么意思?

Hello everyone! I have a family which is full of happiness. My family number are my parents, I, and a pussy with dots. My parents both are workers 。

英语作文《talk about your family》 - 雨露学习互助

This is my family.It's warm.There are three members in it.They are my Mom,my Dad,and me.We like play sports very much.I like my family.

跪求一片英语作文,talk about your family

I love my family!My father is a very nice people of heart ,know that his person all know my father is friendly ,honest and kind,never che。


Can you tell me something about your family?谈论一下你的家庭或Would you like to introduce your family?或Talk about your family希望对你有帮助 望采纳。

Use what you've learned today to talk about your family 。

~Use what you've learned today to talk about your family用你今天学到的来谈论你的家庭希望有帮上同学哦~

我喜欢和不喜欢吃的食物 英语作文50词 My family 介绍家庭成。

我来自一个工人家庭。我们家有六口人。他们是我的爷爷,奶奶,爸爸,妈妈,姐姐和我。 Every member in my family works for his or her own trade①. ..


Sue is the extrovert in the family; opinionated, talkative and passionate about politics.苏是家中的外向行动派,性格固执,能说会道,而且对政。


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