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cat和watch的a发音一样吗?cat和watch的a发音一样: /æ/,/ɔ/ They are watching landry drive toby .他们在观看兰德里指导托比排练。 What time is it by your w

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cat和watch的a发音一样: /æ/,/ɔ/ They are watching landry drive toby .他们在观看兰德里指导托比排练。 What time is it by your watch , mr. li ?李先生。

英语作文 我想当一名志愿者去扫大街

I am Li Hua, came to the school in the past three months, not only learned a huge scientific and cultural knowledge that I broadened my h。

wonders of china 作文?

Through out much of history, China had remained a relatively isolated country; an ancient and mys-terious land little known to the western world. N。


What time is it by your watch , mr. li ?李先生,现在你的表几点了? I stood watching him play ducks and drakes .我站着看他打水漂游戏。 The young ball 。


流浪: 1. (v) be a nomad; drift about2. (v) wander; roam3. be homeless4. (adj) unsettled (e.g., population); vagrant 其它相关解释: 例句与。

文明礼仪伴我行格言,关于文明礼仪的名言警句,英文的 15分

The etiquette comprehensive can avoid ( Russ Baer ) The title is larger, more complex Etiquette ( Tennyson ) The life is short, but even 。


先说结论:一辆值得关注的车。 为什么说是值得关注的车,我觉得有以下几点。 1.同级别空间领先的MPV,而且有真三排。 随着二胎的放开,10万元左右的家用MPV成为。 4。


更多的见参考资料里的网址 Introduction : "Sawatdi Jao" is what you will hear when coming to Chiangmai, the old capital city of the Lanna K。

love story between sand and colin的英语作文

We Have to Say Goodbye No rose, no diamond ring, that’s the simple and romantic love stories in college. The graduates have to face the 。


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