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Air Haiti 4093LOGO标志


tags:英语  国庆节  码头

求初二英语作文,要求如下,I remembered it was january.On 12th,we lived a normal life in a country of Central America ,Haiti.Although

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I remembered it was january.On 12th,we lived a normal life in a country of Central America ,Haiti.Although it was a poor and confused pla。

区别;1、wharf harbor2、inhabitant dweller3、path trail

/>wharf harbor 仅是同类词的两个基本的,还有很多,如下面所列. 简单的,你可以理解为:harbor为里可以有很多wharf. wharf 码头 dock码头 pier码头 je。


The 2010 Haiti earthquake was a catastrophic magnitude 7.0 Mw earthquake.Its epicentre was near the town of Léogâne,approximately 25 km。


Cure to negotiate the national committee of the meeting first batch in the Chinese domestic affairs meeting for the first time up, wide t。


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